import torch from non_linear_weigth_function import non_linear_weigth_function class NNMF2dGrouped(torch.nn.Module): in_channels: int out_channels: int weight: torch.Tensor iterations: int epsilon: float | None init_min: float init_max: float beta: torch.Tensor | None positive_function_type: int local_learning: bool local_learning_kl: bool groups: int def __init__( self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, groups: int = 1, device=None, dtype=None, iterations: int = 20, epsilon: float | None = None, init_min: float = 0.0, init_max: float = 1.0, beta: float | None = None, positive_function_type: int = 0, local_learning: bool = False, local_learning_kl: bool = False, ) -> None: factory_kwargs = {"device": device, "dtype": dtype} super().__init__() self.positive_function_type = positive_function_type self.init_min = init_min self.init_max = init_max self.groups = groups assert ( in_channels % self.groups == 0 ), f"Can't divide without rest {in_channels} / {self.groups}" self.in_channels = in_channels // self.groups assert ( out_channels % self.groups == 0 ), f"Can't divide without rest {out_channels} / {self.groups}" self.out_channels = out_channels // self.groups self.iterations = iterations self.local_learning = local_learning self.local_learning_kl = local_learning_kl self.weight = torch.nn.parameter.Parameter( torch.empty( (self.groups, self.out_channels, self.in_channels), **factory_kwargs ) ) if beta is not None: self.beta = torch.nn.parameter.Parameter(torch.empty((1), **factory_kwargs))[0] = beta else: self.beta = None self.reset_parameters() self.functional_nnmf2d_grouped = FunctionalNNMF2dGrouped.apply self.epsilon = epsilon def extra_repr(self) -> str: s: str = f"{self.in_channels}, {self.out_channels}" if self.epsilon is not None: s += f", epsilon={self.epsilon}" s += f", pfunctype={self.positive_function_type}" s += f", local_learning={self.local_learning}" s += f", groups={self.groups}" if self.local_learning: s += f", local_learning_kl={self.local_learning_kl}" return s def reset_parameters(self) -> None: torch.nn.init.uniform_(self.weight, a=self.init_min, b=self.init_max) def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: positive_weights = non_linear_weigth_function( self.weight, self.beta, self.positive_function_type ) positive_weights = positive_weights / ( positive_weights.sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True) + 10e-20 ) assert self.groups * self.in_channels == input.shape[1] input = input.reshape( ( input.shape[0], self.groups, self.in_channels, input.shape[-2], input.shape[-1], ) ) input = input / (input.sum(dim=2, keepdim=True) + 10e-20) h_dyn = self.functional_nnmf2d_grouped( input, positive_weights, self.out_channels, self.iterations, self.epsilon, self.local_learning, self.local_learning_kl, ) h_dyn = h_dyn.reshape( ( h_dyn.shape[0], h_dyn.shape[1] * h_dyn.shape[2], h_dyn.shape[3], h_dyn.shape[4], ) ) h_dyn = h_dyn / (h_dyn.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) + 10e-20) return h_dyn @torch.jit.script def grouped_linear_einsum_h_weights(h, weights): return torch.einsum("bgoxy,goi->bgixy", h, weights) @torch.jit.script def grouped_linear_einsum_reconstruction_weights(reconstruction, weights): return torch.einsum("bgixy,goi->bgoxy", reconstruction, weights) @torch.jit.script def grouped_linear_einsum_h_input(h, reconstruction): return torch.einsum("bgoxy,bgixy->goi", h, reconstruction) class FunctionalNNMF2dGrouped(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward( # type: ignore ctx, input: torch.Tensor, weight: torch.Tensor, out_channels: int, iterations: int, epsilon: float | None, local_learning: bool, local_learning_kl: bool, ) -> torch.Tensor: # Prepare h h = torch.full( ( input.shape[0], input.shape[1], out_channels, input.shape[-2], input.shape[-1], ), 1.0 / float(out_channels), device=input.device, dtype=input.dtype, ) for _ in range(0, iterations): reconstruction = grouped_linear_einsum_h_weights(h, weight) reconstruction += 1e-20 if epsilon is None: h *= grouped_linear_einsum_reconstruction_weights( (input / reconstruction), weight ) else: h *= 1 + epsilon * grouped_linear_einsum_reconstruction_weights( (input / reconstruction), weight ) h /= h.sum(2, keepdim=True) + 10e-20 # ########################################################### # Save the necessary data for the backward pass # ########################################################### ctx.save_for_backward(input, weight, h) ctx.local_learning = local_learning ctx.local_learning_kl = local_learning_kl assert torch.isfinite(h).all() return h @staticmethod @torch.autograd.function.once_differentiable def backward(ctx, grad_output: torch.Tensor) -> tuple[ # type: ignore torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor | None, None, None, None, None, None, ]: # ############################################## # Default values # ############################################## grad_weight: torch.Tensor | None = None # ############################################## # Get the variables back # ############################################## (input, weight, h) = ctx.saved_tensors # The back prop gradient big_r = grouped_linear_einsum_h_weights(h, weight) big_r_div = 1.0 / (big_r + 1e-20) factor_x_div_r = input * big_r_div grad_input: torch.Tensor = ( grouped_linear_einsum_h_weights(h * grad_output, weight) * big_r_div ) del big_r_div # The weight gradient if ctx.local_learning is False: del big_r grad_weight = -grouped_linear_einsum_h_input( h, (factor_x_div_r * grad_input) ) grad_weight += grouped_linear_einsum_h_input( (h * grad_output), factor_x_div_r, ) else: if ctx.local_learning_kl: grad_weight = -grouped_linear_einsum_h_input( h, factor_x_div_r, ) else: grad_weight = -grouped_linear_einsum_h_input( h, (2 * (input - big_r)), ) assert torch.isfinite(grad_input).all() assert torch.isfinite(grad_weight).all() return ( grad_input, grad_weight, None, None, None, None, None, )