import numpy as np import torch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import skimage from scipy.stats import skew from svd import to_remove import torchvision as tv from ImageAlignment import ImageAlignment from Anime import Anime filename: str = "example_data_crop" use_svd: bool = True show_movie: bool = True torch_device: torch.device = torch.device( "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" ) with torch.no_grad(): print("Load data") input = np.load(filename + str(".npy")) # str("_decorrelated.npy")) # del input print("loading done") stored_contours = np.load("cells.npy", allow_pickle=True) kernel_size_pooling = int(np.load("kernel_size_pooling.npy")) fill_value = float(np.load("fill_value.npy")) image_alignment = ImageAlignment(default_dtype=torch.float32, device=torch_device) tvec = torch.tensor(np.load(filename + "_tvec.npy"), device=torch_device) np_svd_data = np.load( filename + "_svd.npz", ) whiten_mean = torch.tensor(np_svd_data["whiten_mean"], device=torch_device) whiten_k = torch.tensor(np_svd_data["whiten_k"], device=torch_device) eigenvalues = torch.tensor(np_svd_data["eigenvalues"], device=torch_device) del np_svd_data data = torch.tensor(input, device=torch_device) for id in range(0, data.shape[0]): data[id, ...] = tv.transforms.functional.affine( img=data[id, ...].unsqueeze(0), angle=0, translate=[tvec[id, 1], tvec[id, 0]], scale=1.0, shear=0, fill=fill_value, ).squeeze(0) data -= data.min(dim=0, keepdim=True)[0] to_remove_data = to_remove(data, whiten_k, whiten_mean) data -= to_remove_data del to_remove_data print("Pooling") # Warning: The contour masks have the same size as the binned data!!! avage_pooling = torch.nn.AvgPool2d( kernel_size=(kernel_size_pooling, kernel_size_pooling), stride=(kernel_size_pooling, kernel_size_pooling), ) data = avage_pooling(data) if use_svd: data_flat = torch.flatten( data.nan_to_num(nan=0.0).movedim(0, -1), start_dim=0, end_dim=1, ) to_plot = torch.zeros( (int(data.shape[0]), int(stored_contours.shape[0])), device=torch_device, dtype=torch.float32, ) print("Calculate cell's time series") for id in range(0, stored_contours.shape[0]): mask = torch.tensor( skimage.draw.polygon2mask( (int(data.shape[1]), int(data.shape[2])), stored_contours[id] ), device=torch_device, dtype=torch.float32, ) if use_svd: mask_flat = torch.flatten( mask.unsqueeze(0).nan_to_num(nan=0.0).movedim(0, -1), start_dim=0, end_dim=1, ) idx = torch.where(mask_flat > 0)[0] temp = data_flat[idx, :].clone() whiten_mean = torch.mean(temp, dim=-1) temp -= whiten_mean.unsqueeze(-1) svd_u, svd_s, _ = torch.svd_lowrank(temp, q=6) whiten_k = ( torch.sign(svd_u[0, :]).unsqueeze(0) * svd_u / (svd_s.unsqueeze(0) + 1e-20) )[:, 0] temp = temp * whiten_k.unsqueeze(-1) data_svd = temp.movedim(-1, 0).sum(dim=-1) to_plot[:, id] = data_svd else: ts = (data * mask.unsqueeze(0)).nan_to_num(nan=0.0).sum( dim=(-2, -1) ) / mask.sum() to_plot[:, id] = ts if show_movie: print("Calculate movie") # Clean tensor data *= 0.0 for id in range(0, stored_contours.shape[0]): mask = torch.tensor( skimage.draw.polygon2mask( (int(data.shape[1]), int(data.shape[2])), stored_contours[id] ), device=torch_device, dtype=torch.float32, ) # * 1.0 - mask: otherwise the overlapping outlines look bad # Yes... reshape and indices would be faster... data *= 1.0 - mask.unsqueeze(0) data += mask.unsqueeze(0) * to_plot[:, id].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) ani = Anime() exit() skew_value = skew(to_plot.cpu().numpy(), axis=0) skew_idx = np.flip(skew_value.argsort()) skew_value = skew_value[skew_idx] to_plot_np = to_plot.cpu().numpy() to_plot_np = to_plot_np[:, skew_idx] plt.imshow(to_plot_np.T, cmap="gray_r", interpolation="nearest") plt.colorbar() # plt.plot(to_plot[:, 0:5].cpu()) # # block_size: int = 8 # # print(to_plot.shape[1] // block_size) # for i in range(0, 4 * 8): # plt.subplot(8, 4, i + 1) # plt.plot(to_plot[:, i * block_size : (i + 1) * block_size].cpu()) # plt.ylim( # [ # to_plot.min().cpu(), # to_plot.max().cpu(), # ] # ) #