{ "model_continue": false, // true, (false) "max_epochs": 5000, "batch_size_train": 250, "batch_size_test": 500, // data source -> "data_path": "/home/kk/Documents/Semester4/code/RenderStimuli/Output/", "stimuli_per_pfinkel": 30000, "num_pfinkel_start": 0, "num_pfinkel_stop": 10, "num_pfinkel_step": 10, "condition": "Coignless", "scale_data": 255.0, // (255.0) // <- data source // optimizer -> "use_adam": true, // (true) => adam, false => SGD // <- optimizer // LR Scheduler -> "use_scheduler": true, // (true), false "scheduler_verbose": true, "scheduler_factor": 0.025, //(0.1) "scheduler_patience": 10, // (10) "scheduler_threshold": 1e-5, // (1e-5) "minimum_learning_rate": 1e-10, "learning_rate": 1e-4, // <- LR Scheduler // pooling layer -> "pooling_type": "max", // (max), average, none // <- pooling layer // activation function -> "activation_function": "leaky relu", // tanh, relu, (leaky relu), none "leak_relu_negative_slope": 0.1, // (0.1) // <- activation function // convolution layer 0 softmax parameters -> "conv_0_enable_softmax": false, // true, (false) "conv_0_power_softmax": 4.0, // (0.0) = Exp "conv_0_meanmode_softmax": true, // true, false "conv_0_no_input_mode_softmax": false, // true, (false) // <- convolution layer 0 softmax parameters // network definion -> "train_first_layer": true, // true, (false) "mp_1_kernel_size": 3, "mp_1_stride": 2, "conv_0_kernel_size": 11, "conv_out_channels_list": [ [ 8, 8, 8 ] ], "conv_kernel_sizes": [ [ 7, 15 ] ], "conv_stride_sizes": [ 1 ], // <- network definion // logging -> "save_logging_messages": true, // (true), false "display_logging_messages": true, // (true), false // <- logging // saving the model and co -> "save_model": true, "use_plot_intermediate": false, // true, (false) "precision_100_percent": 4, // (4) "save_ever_x_epochs": 10, // (10) // <- saving the model and co // path definitions -> "initial_model_path": "initial_models", "tb_runs_path": "tb_runs", "trained_models_path": "trained_models", "performance_data_path": "performance_data" // <- path definitions }