const Path = require('path') const { promisify } = require('util') const Settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const logger = require('@overleaf/logger') const CommandRunner = require('./CommandRunner') const fs = require('fs') const ProcessTable = {} // table of currently running jobs (pids or docker container names) const TIME_V_METRICS = Object.entries({ 'cpu-percent': /Percent of CPU this job got: (\d+)/m, 'cpu-time': /User time.*: (\d+.\d+)/m, 'sys-time': /System time.*: (\d+.\d+)/m, }) const COMPILER_FLAGS = { latex: '-pdfdvi', lualatex: '-lualatex', pdflatex: '-pdf', xelatex: '-xelatex', } function runLatex(projectId, options, callback) { const { directory, mainFile, image, environment, flags, compileGroup, stopOnFirstError, stats, timings, } = options const compiler = options.compiler || 'pdflatex' const timeout = options.timeout || 60000 // milliseconds logger.debug( { directory, compiler, timeout, mainFile, environment, flags, compileGroup, stopOnFirstError, }, 'starting compile' ) let command try { command = _buildLatexCommand(mainFile, { compiler, stopOnFirstError, flags, }) } catch (err) { return callback(err) } const id = `${projectId}` // record running project under this id ProcessTable[id] = projectId, command, directory, image, timeout, environment, compileGroup, function (error, output) { delete ProcessTable[id] if (error) { return callback(error) } const runs = output?.stderr?.match(/^Run number \d+ of .*latex/gm)?.length || 0 const failed = output?.stdout?.match(/^Latexmk: Errors/m) != null ? 1 : 0 // counters from latexmk output stats['latexmk-errors'] = failed stats['latex-runs'] = runs stats['latex-runs-with-errors'] = failed ? runs : 0 stats[`latex-runs-${runs}`] = 1 stats[`latex-runs-with-errors-${runs}`] = failed ? 1 : 0 // timing information from /usr/bin/time const stderr = (output && output.stderr) || '' if (stderr.includes('Command being timed:')) { // Add metrics for runs with `$ time -v ...` for (const [timing, matcher] of TIME_V_METRICS) { const match = stderr.match(matcher) if (match) { timings[timing] = parseFloat(match[1]) } } } // record output files _writeLogOutput(projectId, directory, output, () => { callback(error, output) }) } ) } function _writeLogOutput(projectId, directory, output, callback) { if (!output) { return callback() } // internal method for writing non-empty log files function _writeFile(file, content, cb) { if (content && content.length > 0) { fs.unlink(file, () => { fs.writeFile(file, content, { flag: 'wx' }, err => { if (err) { // don't fail on error logger.error({ err, projectId, file }, 'error writing log file') } cb() }) }) } else { cb() } } // write stdout and stderr, ignoring errors _writeFile(Path.join(directory, 'output.stdout'), output.stdout, () => { _writeFile(Path.join(directory, 'output.stderr'), output.stderr, () => { callback() }) }) } function killLatex(projectId, callback) { const id = `${projectId}` logger.debug({ id }, 'killing running compile') if (ProcessTable[id] == null) { logger.warn({ id }, 'no such project to kill') callback(null) } else { CommandRunner.kill(ProcessTable[id], callback) } } function _buildLatexCommand(mainFile, opts = {}) { const command = [] if (Settings.clsi?.strace) { command.push('strace', '-o', 'strace', '-ff') } if (Settings.clsi?.latexmkCommandPrefix) { command.push(...Settings.clsi.latexmkCommandPrefix) } // Basic command and flags command.push( 'latexmk', '-cd', '-jobname=output', '-auxdir=$COMPILE_DIR', '-outdir=$COMPILE_DIR', '-synctex=1', '-shell-escape', '-interaction=batchmode' ) // Stop on first error option if (opts.stopOnFirstError) { command.push('-halt-on-error') } else { // Run all passes despite errors command.push('-f') } // Extra flags if (opts.flags) { command.push(...opts.flags) } // TeX Engine selection const compilerFlag = COMPILER_FLAGS[opts.compiler] if (compilerFlag) { command.push(compilerFlag) } else { throw new Error(`unknown compiler: ${opts.compiler}`) } // We want to run latexmk on the tex file which we will automatically // generate from the Rtex/Rmd/md file. mainFile = mainFile.replace(/\.(Rtex|md|Rmd|Rnw)$/, '.tex') command.push(Path.join('$COMPILE_DIR', mainFile)) return command } module.exports = { runLatex, killLatex, promises: { runLatex: promisify(runLatex), killLatex: promisify(killLatex), }, }