I based the installation on Fedora 39 Server Edition. * Ansible will not work as long as SE Linux is active. Use the cockpit localhost:9090 to disable it for duration you need it to be tured off. * Don't forget to configure the firewalls correctly. Again, use cockpit. * Portainer is exported to port 9443. You should use it for coordinating the docker chaos. You need to scroll though the files and change the values to your setup. # How make a computer ready for ansible ``` dnf -y install ansible mc net-tools openssh-server openssh-clients passwdqc cracklib-dicts shadow-utils systemctl enable sshd systemctl start sshd useradd -b /specialusers ansibleuser passwd_value="PUT_A_PASSWORD_HERE" echo ansibleuser:$passwd_value | chpasswd echo "ansibleuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/ansible ``` # How to make the server ready Once: ``` dnf -y install ansible mc net-tools openssh-server openssh-clients passwdqc cracklib-dicts shadow-utils sshpass ssh-keygen ``` And then for every computer: ``` passwd_value="PUT_A_PASSWORD_HERE" sshpass -p "$passwd_value" ssh-copy-id -o "StrictHostKeyChecking accept-new" ansibleuser@COMPUTERNAME ``` # Overleaf yaml file For the smtp relay we need to set the email password and email user. You can provide it via command line parameter or yaml file to ansible-playbook. ``` --- EUSER: "SOME EMAIL USER" EPASS: "SOME PASSWORD" ```