2024-01-03 01:31:30 +01:00
# Expanding Python with C++ modules
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## Top
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A minimal introduction in how to use PyBind11. PyBind11 allows you to extend Python with C++ modules which are written in C++11 or newer.
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Questions to [David Rotermund ](mailto:davrot@uni-bremen.de )
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## A very simple example
What do we need in the most minimal scenario?
* [Makefile ](Makefile ) plus a .env file
* Module wrapper ([PyMyModuleCPU.cpp](PyMyModuleCPU.cpp))
* The module ([MyModuleCPU.cpp](MyModuleCPU.cpp) and [MyModuleCPU.h ](MyModuleCPU.h ))
* Some test code [test.py ](test.py )
## [Makefile](Makefile)
If you are programming in C++ and don't know how to use a Makefile then you really should [look it up ](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Simple-Makefile.html ).
I am working under Linux and my Makefile looks like [this ](Makefile )... MyModuleCPU.cpp and PyMyModuleCPU.cpp are compiled in .o files and then linked into PyMyModuleCPU. However, Python needs a special filename ending which depends on the Python version. Thus there is this additional copy command dealing with this issue.
## The wrapper file ([PyMyModuleCPU.cpp](PyMyModuleCPU.cpp))
The wrapper file is the connection point between Python and C++. It tells Python what to call. In this example we have three functions we export into the Python space:
* PutStuffIn , which is connected to MyModule::PutStuffIn
* DoStuff , which is connected to MyModule::DoStuff
* GetStuffOut , which is connected to MyModule::GetStuffOut
These methods of the class MyModule are defined in MyModuleCPU.h and do what their names suggest they will do...
## The class definition of MyModule ([MyModuleCPU.h](MyModuleCPU.h))
The exported methods are public. The rest are a collection of methods to handle the data exchange between C++ and Python in a safe way.
The exported methods do the following:
* PutStuffIn : An Numpy array arrives. GetShape extracts the shape of the numpy.ndarray and stored it into std::vector< size_t > Data_Shape;. Then it puts the numpy.ndarray into Converter and makes std::vector< double > Data_Data; out of it.
* DoStuff: Python gives double Factor to the method. The method multiplies this number with the data Data_Data from the numpy.ndarray. This is done in SIMD (single instruction multiple data) fashion using openmp.
* GetStuffOut : It takes Data_Data and Data_Shape and makes a Python numpy.ndarray out of it and gives it to Python.
int MyModule::PutStuffIn(py::array & Arg_Input){
if (GetShape(Arg_Input, Data_Shape) == false){
return false;
if (MyModule::Converter(Arg_Input, Data_Data) == false){
return false;
return true;
int MyModule::DoStuff(double Factor){
size_t Counter;
#pragma omp simd
for (Counter = 0; Counter < Data_Data.size ( ) ; Counter + + ) {
Data_Data[Counter] *= Factor;
return true;
py::array MyModule::GetStuffOut(void){
return Converter(Data_Data, Data_Shape);
## The test program ([test.py](test.py))
I think that the mathematical operation that the test code does, need no additional explanation. (A random matrix is multiplied by 5.0)
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## Source code
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### .env file
**Change the directories and parameters according you system.**
NVCC=/usr/local/cuda-12/bin/nvcc -allow-unsupported-compiler
PARAMETERS_O_CPU = -O3 -std=c++14 -fPIC -Wall -fopenmp=libomp
PARAMETERS_Linker_CPU = -shared -lm -lomp -lstdc++ -Wall
PARAMETERS_O_GPU= -O3 -std=c++14 -ccbin=$(CC) \
-Xcompiler "-fPIC -Wall -fopenmp=libomp"
PARAMETERS_Linker_GPU=-Xcompiler "-shared -lm -lomp -lstdc++ -Wall"
O_DIRS = o/
### Makefile
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[Makefile ](Makefile )
2024-01-03 01:35:04 +01:00
2024-01-03 14:34:50 +01:00
include .env
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2024-01-03 14:34:50 +01:00
name = MyModule
type = CPU
2024-01-03 01:35:04 +01:00
2024-01-03 14:34:50 +01:00
PYPOSTFIX := $(shell $(PYBIN)python3-config --extension-suffix)
PYBIND11INCLUDE := $(shell $(PYBIN)python3 -m pybind11 --includes)
2024-01-03 01:35:04 +01:00
2024-01-03 14:34:50 +01:00
so_file = Py$(name)$(type)$(PYPOSTFIX)
pyi_file = Py$(name)$(type).pyi
2024-01-03 14:53:13 +01:00
all: $(so_file)
2024-01-03 01:35:04 +01:00
2024-01-03 14:34:50 +01:00
$(O_DIRS)$(name)$(type).o: $(name)$(type).h $(name)$(type).cpp
mkdir -p $(O_DIRS)
$(CC) $(PARAMETERS_O) -c $(name)$(type).cpp -o $(O_DIRS)$(name)$(type).o
2024-01-03 01:35:04 +01:00
2024-01-03 14:34:50 +01:00
$(O_DIRS)Py$(name)$(type).o: $(name)$(type).h Py$(name)$(type).cpp
mkdir -p $(O_DIRS)
$(CC) $(PARAMETERS_O) -c Py$(name)$(type).cpp -o $(O_DIRS)Py$(name)$(type).o
2024-01-03 01:35:04 +01:00
2024-01-03 14:53:13 +01:00
$(so_file): $(O_DIRS)$(name)$(type).o $(O_DIRS)Py$(name)$(type).o
$(CC) $(PARAMETERS_Linker) -o $(so_file) $(O_DIRS)$(name)$(type).o $(O_DIRS)Py$(name)$(type).o
2024-01-03 01:35:04 +01:00
2024-01-03 14:34:50 +01:00
2024-01-03 01:35:04 +01:00
2024-01-03 14:34:50 +01:00
rm -rf $(O_DIRS)
2024-01-03 14:53:13 +01:00
rm -f $(so_file)
rm -f $(pyi_file)
### PyMyModuleCPU.cpp
[PyMyModuleCPU.cpp ](PyMyModuleCPU.cpp )
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include "MyModuleCPU.h"
namespace py = pybind11;
m.doc() = "Example Module";
py::class_< MyModule > (m, "MyModule")
.def(py::init< >())
.def("PutStuffIn", & MyModule::PutStuffIn)
.def("DoStuff", & MyModule::DoStuff)
.def("GetStuffOut", &MyModule::GetStuffOut);
### MyModuleCPU.h
[MyModuleCPU.h ](MyModuleCPU.h )
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/numpy.h>
#include <vector>
namespace py = pybind11;
class MyModule
// The functionality of the module
int PutStuffIn(py::array& Arg_Input);
int DoStuff(double Factor);
py::array GetStuffOut(void);
// Example data:
std::vector< double > Data_Data;
std::vector< size_t > Data_Shape;
// Private functions:
// ==================
// Put vector of vector< > in and get a py::list out
py::list MakeList(std::vector< std::vector < double > >& Arg_Data,
std::vector< std::vector < size_t > >& Arg_Shape);
// Put vector< > in and get py::array out
py::array Converter(std::vector< double > & Arg_Data,
std::vector< size_t > & Arg_Shape);
// Put a value in and get a py:array out
py::array Converter(double& Arg_Data);
// Put py::array in and get vector< > out
bool Converter(py::array& Arg_In, std::vector< double > & Arg_Data);
// Put py::list in and get vector< vector < > > out
bool ConvertList(py::list& Arg_List,
std::vector< std::vector < double > >& Arg_Data,
std::vector< std::vector < size_t > >& Arg_Shape);
// Put a py::array in and get a vector< > with the dimensions out
bool GetShape(py::array& Arg_Input, std::vector< size_t > & Arg_Shape);
// Put a py::list in and get a vector< vector < > > with the dimensions out
int GetShape(py::list& Arg_List, std::vector< std::vector < size_t > >& Arg_Shape);
// Put a py::list in and get a vector< vector < > > of the data out out
int CopyData(py::list& Arg_List, std::vector< std::vector < double > >& Arg_Data,
std::vector< std::vector < size_t > >& Arg_Shape);
// Check the properties of a list
// 0: single
// 1: double
// 2: uint32_t
// 3: uint64_t
bool CheckList(py::list& Arg_List, int Check_NumberOfDimensions,
size_t dType);
#endif /* MYMODULECPU */
### MyModuleCPU.cpp
[MyModuleCPU.cpp ](MyModuleCPU.cpp )
#include "MyModuleCPU.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cctype>
MyModule::MyModule() {};
MyModule::~MyModule() {};
int MyModule::PutStuffIn(py::array& Arg_Input)
if (GetShape(Arg_Input, Data_Shape) == false)
return false;
if (MyModule::Converter(Arg_Input, Data_Data) == false)
return false;
return true;
int MyModule::DoStuff(double Factor)
size_t Counter;
#pragma omp simd
for (Counter = 0; Counter < Data_Data.size ( ) ; Counter + + )
Data_Data[Counter] *= Factor;
return true;
py::array MyModule::GetStuffOut(void)
return Converter(Data_Data, Data_Shape);
// ------------------------------------------------
py::list MyModule::MakeList(std::vector< std::vector < double > >& Arg_Data,
std::vector< std::vector < size_t > >& Arg_Shape)
py::list ReturnValue;
if (Arg_Data.size() != Arg_Shape.size())
std::cout << "MyModule::MakeList => The sizes of the two vectors are different.\n";
return ReturnValue;
size_t List_Pos = 0;
for (List_Pos = 0; List_Pos < Arg_Shape.size ( ) ; List_Pos + + )
std::vector< ptrdiff_t > ShapeVector;
size_t Counter = 0;
for (Counter = 0; Counter < Arg_Shape [ List_Pos ] . size ( ) ; Counter + + )
ShapeVector[Counter] = Arg_Shape[List_Pos].at(Counter);
auto Temp = py::array_t< double > (ShapeVector, Arg_Data[List_Pos].data());
return ReturnValue;
py::array MyModule::Converter(std::vector< double > & Arg_Data,
std::vector< size_t > & Arg_Shape)
py::array ReturnValue;
std::vector< ptrdiff_t > ShapeVector;
size_t Counter = 0;
for (Counter = 0; Counter < Arg_Shape.size ( ) ; Counter + + )
ShapeVector[Counter] = Arg_Shape.at(Counter);
auto Temp = py::array_t< double > (ShapeVector, Arg_Data.data());
return Temp;
bool MyModule::Converter(py::array& Arg_In, std::vector< double > & Arg_Data)
if ((Arg_In.flags() & pybind11::detail::npy_api::NPY_ARRAY_C_CONTIGUOUS_) != pybind11::detail::npy_api::NPY_ARRAY_C_CONTIGUOUS_)
std::cout << "MyModule::Converter => Array is not c_style.\n";
return false;
size_t Size = Arg_In.nbytes();
if (Size == 0)
std::cout << "MyModule::Converter => Array is empty.\n";
return false;
auto Temp_Array = Arg_In.request();
if (py::isinstance< py::array_t < double > >(Arg_In) == false)
std::cout << "MyModule::Converter => Wrong type.\n";
return false;
double* MyPtr = (double*)Temp_Array.ptr;
if (MyPtr == nullptr)
std::cout << "MyModule::Converter => Pointer is null.\n";
return false;
Arg_Data.resize(Size / sizeof(double));
memcpy(Arg_Data.data(), MyPtr, Size);
return true;
bool MyModule::ConvertList(py::list& Arg_List, std::vector< std::vector < double > >& Arg_Data,
std::vector< std::vector < size_t > >& Arg_Shape)
// Get the shapes of all the matrices
if (GetShape(Arg_List, Arg_Shape) != 0)
return false;
// Get the data from the list
if (CopyData(Arg_List, Arg_Data, Arg_Shape) != 0)
return false;
return true;
int MyModule::GetShape(py::list& Arg_List, std::vector< std::vector < size_t > >& Arg_Shape)
size_t List_Length = Arg_List.size();
size_t Counter_List;
size_t Counter_Dims;
py::array Temp_Array;
for (Counter_List = 0; Counter_List < List_Length ; Counter_List + + )
Temp_Array = Arg_List[Counter_List];
for (Counter_Dims = 0; Counter_Dims < Temp_Array.ndim ( ) ; Counter_Dims + + )
Arg_Shape[Counter_List][Counter_Dims] = Temp_Array.shape(Counter_Dims);
return 0;
bool MyModule::GetShape(py::array& Arg_Input, std::vector< size_t > & Arg_Shape)
size_t Counter_Dims;
for (Counter_Dims = 0; Counter_Dims < Arg_Input.ndim ( ) ; Counter_Dims + + )
Arg_Shape[Counter_Dims] = Arg_Input.shape(Counter_Dims);
return true;
int MyModule::CopyData(py::list& Arg_List, std::vector< std::vector < double > >& Arg_Data,
std::vector< std::vector < size_t > >& Arg_Shape)
size_t List_Length = Arg_List.size();
size_t List_Pos = List_Length;
double* MyPtr = nullptr;
py::array Temp_Array;
for (List_Pos = 0; List_Pos < List_Length ; List_Pos + + )
MyPtr = nullptr;
Temp_Array = Arg_List[List_Pos];
size_t Counter = 0;
size_t ElementsOfArray = 0;
for (Counter = 0; Counter < Arg_Shape [ List_Pos ] . size ( ) ; Counter + + )
if (Counter == 0)
ElementsOfArray = Arg_Shape[List_Pos][Counter];
ElementsOfArray *= Arg_Shape[List_Pos][Counter];
size_t SizeOfArray_Bytes = ElementsOfArray * sizeof(double);
if (SizeOfArray_Bytes != Temp_Array.nbytes())
std::cout < < "MyModule::CopyData => "
< < "Liste element: "
< < Counter << " is not the right amount of data . \n";
return -1;
auto Temp_Array_f = Temp_Array.request();
MyPtr = (double*)Temp_Array_f.ptr;
if (MyPtr == nullptr)
std::cout < < "MyModule::CopyData => "
<< "Pointer is null.\n";
return -1;
memcpy((void*)Arg_Data[List_Pos].data(), (void*)MyPtr, SizeOfArray_Bytes);
return 0;
py::array MyModule::Converter(double& Arg_Data)
std::vector< ptrdiff_t > ShapeVector;
ShapeVector[0] = 1;
return py::array_t< double > (ShapeVector, &Arg_Data);
bool MyModule::CheckList(py::list& Arg_List, int Check_NumberOfDimensions,
size_t dType)
// Is it a list?
py::handle type = Arg_List.get_type();
py::object type_name = type.attr("__name__");
std::string Correct_List = std::string("list");
if (Correct_List.compare(py::cast< std::string > (type_name)) != 0)
std::cout << "MyModule => Not a list.\n";
return false;
// Is there something in the list?
size_t List_Length = Arg_List.size();
if (List_Length < = 0)
std::cout << "MyModule => List is empty.\n";
return false;
// Are the list elements numpy arrays?
size_t Counter = 0;
std::string Correct_NDArray = std::string("ndarray");
for (Counter = 0; Counter < List_Length ; Counter + + )
type = Arg_List[Counter].get_type();
type_name = type.attr("__name__");
if (Correct_NDArray.compare(py::cast< std::string > (type_name)) != 0)
std::cout << "MyModule => Liste element: " < < Counter << " not a numpy array . \n";
return false;
// Has every array the right dimension?
py::array Temp_Array;
for (Counter = 0; Counter < List_Length ; Counter + + )
Temp_Array = Arg_List[Counter];
if (Temp_Array.ndim() != Check_NumberOfDimensions)
std::cout < < " MyModule => Liste element: " < < Counter
< < " has not the necessary "
< < Check_NumberOfDimensions << " dimensions ( found: " << Temp_Array . ndim () << "). \n";
return false;
// Are all the numpy arrays c_style?
for (Counter = 0; Counter < List_Length ; Counter + + )
Temp_Array = Arg_List[Counter];
if ((Temp_Array.flags() & pybind11::detail::npy_api::NPY_ARRAY_C_CONTIGUOUS_) != pybind11::detail::npy_api::NPY_ARRAY_C_CONTIGUOUS_)
std::cout << "MyModule => Liste element: " < < Counter << " is not c_style . \n";
return false;
// 0: single
// 1: double
// 2: uint32_t
// 3: uint64_t
for (Counter = 0; Counter < List_Length ; Counter + + )
Temp_Array = Arg_List[Counter];
// Float
if (dType == 0)
if (py::isinstance< py::array_t < float > >(Temp_Array) == false)
std::cout << "MyModule => Liste element: " < < Counter << " is not a float . \n";
return -1;
// Double
if (dType == 1)
if (py::isinstance< py::array_t < double > >(Temp_Array) == false)
std::cout << "MyModule => Liste element: " < < Counter << " is not a double . \n";
return false;
// uint32_t
if (dType == 2)
if (py::isinstance< py::array_t < uint32_t > >(Temp_Array) == false)
std::cout << "MyModule => Liste element: " < < Counter << " is not a uint32 . \n";
return false;
// uint64_t
if (dType == 3)
if (py::isinstance< py::array_t < uint64_t > >(Temp_Array) == false)
std::cout << "MyModule => Liste element: " < < Counter << " is not a uint64 . \n";
return false;
return true;
### test.py
[test.py ](test.py )
from PyMyModuleCPU import MyModule
import numpy as np
MyCExtension = MyModule()
X = np.random.random((5, 6))
if MyCExtension.PutStuffIn(X) is False:
print("Error (1)\n")
Y = MyCExtension.GetStuffOut()
print(X - Y)
if MyCExtension.DoStuff(5.0) is False:
print("Error (2)\n")
Z = MyCExtension.GetStuffOut()
print(X * 5.0 - Z)
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2024-01-03 15:06:53 +01:00
## Reference
* [PyBind11 ](https://pybind11.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ )