This is a fast overview how to get an MNIST example running under TF Keras
If you just want to start with Tensorflow / Keras (especially if it is a scientific project), then you want to reconsider using Keras. In this case please check (& use) PyTorch.
Questions to [David Rotermund](
## Data loader / Data generator
| [keras.utils.Sequence]( | "Base object for fitting to a sequence of data, such as a dataset."|
| [tf.keras.utils.to_categorical]( | "Converts a class vector (integers) to binary class matrix."|
To the pre-processing chain **self.data_augmentation** you can add other preprocessing layers which are then applied to the input before given to the network.
|[tf.keras.backend.clear_session]( | "Resets all state generated by Keras."|
|[tf.keras.Sequential]( | "Sequential groups a linear stack of layers into a tf.keras.Model."|
|[network.add()]( | "Adds a layer instance on top of the layer stack." |
|[tf.keras.layers.Conv2D]( | "2D convolution layer (e.g. spatial convolution over images)."|
|[tf.keras.layers.MaxPool2D]( | "Max pooling operation for 2D spatial data."|
|[tf.keras.layers.Flatten]( | "Flattens the input. Does not affect the batch size."|
|[tf.keras.layers.Dense]( | "Just your regular densely-connected NN layer."|
|[network.compile()]( | "Configures the model for training."|
|[tf.keras.metrics.categorical_crossentropy]( | "Computes the categorical crossentropy loss."|
|[tf.keras.optimizers.Adam]( | "Optimizer that implements the Adam algorithm."|
|[ ]( | Trains the model for a fixed number of epochs (iterations on a dataset).|
|[network.summary()]( | "Prints a string summary of the network."|
|[]( | "Saves the model to Tensorflow SavedModel or a single HDF5 file."|
|[padding]( | "One of "valid", "same" or "causal" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding with zeros evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. "causal" results in causal (dilated) convolutions, e.g. output[t] does not depend on input[t+1:]. "|
|[use_bias](| "Boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector."|
|[activation](| "Activation function to use. If you don't specify anything, no activation is applied (see [keras.activations]("|
[data_format](| " A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first."|
|[tf.keras.models.load_model]( | "Loads a model saved via"|
|[network.evaluate()]( | "Returns the loss value & metrics values for the model in test mode."|
print("Strongest reponse is at " + str(np.argmax(output_6.numpy())))
print("Correct output is " + str(np.argmax(the_target)))
## Extracting weight and bias
Here is one way to extract the weights and bias of the whole network. Alternatively you can use [get_weights]( from [tf.keras.layers.Layer]( in combination with [get_layer]( of [tf.keras.Sequential](
|[Activation](| Applies an activation function to an output.|
|[AveragePooling1D](| Average pooling for temporal data.|
|[AveragePooling2D](| Average pooling operation for spatial data.|
|[AveragePooling3D]( |Average pooling operation for 3D data (spatial or spatio-temporal).|
|[BatchNormalization](| Layer that normalizes its inputs.|
|[Conv2D]( |2D convolution layer (e.g. spatial convolution over images).|
|[Conv3D](| 3D convolution layer (e.g. spatial convolution over volumes).|
|[Dense](| Just your regular densely-connected NN layer.|
|[Dropout]( |Applies Dropout to the input.|
|[Flatten]( |Flattens the input. Does not affect the batch size.|
|[MaxPooling1D](| Max pooling operation for 1D temporal data.|
|[MaxPooling2D]( |Max pooling operation for 2D spatial data.|
|[MaxPooling3D]( |Max pooling operation for 3D data (spatial or spatio-temporal).|
|[SpatialDropout1D]( |Spatial 1D version of Dropout.|
|[SpatialDropout2D]( |Spatial 2D version of Dropout.|
|[SpatialDropout3D]( |Spatial 3D version of Dropout.|
|[ZeroPadding1D]( |Zero-padding layer for 1D input (e.g. temporal sequence).|
|[ZeroPadding2D]( |Zero-padding layer for 2D input (e.g. picture).|
|[ZeroPadding3D]( |Zero-padding layer for 3D data (spatial or spatio-temporal).|
|[CenterCrop]( |A preprocessing layer which crops images.|
|[RandomContrast]( |A preprocessing layer which randomly adjusts contrast during training.|
|[RandomCrop]( |A preprocessing layer which randomly crops images during training.|
|[RandomFlip]( |A preprocessing layer which randomly flips images during training.|
|[RandomHeight](| A preprocessing layer which randomly varies image height during training.|
|[RandomRotation]( |A preprocessing layer which randomly rotates images during training.|
|[RandomTranslation]( |A preprocessing layer which randomly translates images during training.|
|[RandomWidth]( |A preprocessing layer which randomly varies image width during training.|
|[RandomZoom]( |A preprocessing layer which randomly zooms images during training.|
|[Rescaling]( |A preprocessing layer which rescales input values to a new range.|
|[Resizing]( |A preprocessing layer which resizes images.|
|[softmax(...)]( |Softmax converts a vector of values to a probability distribution.|
|[BinaryCrossentropy]( |Computes the cross-entropy loss between true labels and predicted labels.|
|[CategoricalCrossentropy]( |Computes the crossentropy loss between the labels and predictions.|
|[KLDivergence]( |Computes Kullback-Leibler divergence loss between y_true and y_pred.|
|[MeanAbsoluteError]( |Computes the mean of absolute difference between labels and predictions.|
|[MeanSquaredError]( |Computes the mean of squares of errors between labels and predictions.|
|[Poisson]( |Computes the Poisson loss between y_true and y_pred.|
|[SparseCategoricalCrossentropy]( |Computes the crossentropy loss between the labels and predictions.|
|[Accuracy]( | Calculates how often predictions equal labels.|
|[BinaryAccuracy]( | Calculates how often predictions match binary labels.|
|[BinaryCrossentropy]( | Computes the crossentropy metric between the labels and predictions.|
|[CategoricalAccuracy]( | Calculates how often predictions match one-hot labels.|
|[CategoricalCrossentropy]( | Computes the crossentropy metric between the labels and predictions.|
|[KLDivergence]( | Computes Kullback-Leibler divergence metric between y_true and y_pred.|
|[Mean]( | Computes the (weighted) mean of the given values.|
|[MeanAbsoluteError]( | Computes the mean absolute error between the labels and predictions.|
|[MeanSquaredError]( | Computes the mean squared error between y_true and y_pred.|
|[Poisson]( | Computes the Poisson metric between y_true and y_pred.|
|[Precision]( | Computes the precision of the predictions with respect to the labels.|
|[RootMeanSquaredError]( | Computes root mean squared error metric between y_true and y_pred.|
|[SparseCategoricalAccuracy]( | Calculates how often predictions match integer labels.|
|[SparseCategoricalCrossentropy]( | Computes the crossentropy metric between the labels and predictions.|
|[SparseTopKCategoricalAccuracy]( | Computes how often integer targets are in the top K predictions.|
|[Sum]( | Computes the (weighted) sum of the given values.|
|[TopKCategoricalAccuracy](| Computes how often targets are in the top K predictions.|