diff --git a/matlab/8/README.md b/matlab/8/README.md index 24ee732..6cf1790 100644 --- a/matlab/8/README.md +++ b/matlab/8/README.md @@ -514,8 +514,11 @@ scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(fun, t_span, y0, method='RK45', t_eval=None, dense_out > > This function numerically integrates a system of ordinary differential equations given an initial value: > + $$dy / dt = f(t, y)$$ + $$y(t0) = y0$$ + > Here t is a 1-D independent variable (time), y(t) is an N-D vector-valued function (state), and an N-D vector-valued function f(t, y) determines the differential equations. The goal is to find y(t) approximately satisfying the differential equations, given an initial value y(t0)=y0. > > Some of the solvers support integration in the complex domain, but note that for stiff ODE solvers, the right-hand side must be complex-differentiable (satisfy Cauchy-Riemann equations). To solve a problem in the complex domain, pass y0 with a complex data type. Another option always available is to rewrite your problem for real and imaginary parts separately.