# [PyWavelets](https://pywavelets.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) : Wavelet Transforms in Python {:.no_toc} ## The goal Obviously, you can write your code as YOU want. However, if there is at least a small probability that you will exchange your code with someone (e.g. me!) or the source code is required to accompany a paper then… **... you should NOT ignore PEP 8.** A good source code editor (like Visual Studio Code) will try to enforce many of the PEP 8 rules on you automatically. You need to allow it to help you… Don’t work against it! This is one of the main reasons why to use such an complex editor! **Or in short: You don't need to know these rules (i don't know them too) if your editor does it for you!!!** Questions to [David Rotermund](mailto:davrot@uni-bremen.de)