# Memory layout of Numpy matrices {:.no_toc} ## The goal More information about the Numpy matrices and the memory structure behind it. Questions to [David Rotermund](mailto:davrot@uni-bremen.de) ## [Memory layouts​ (row-major vs column-major)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Row-_and_column-major_order) C order (or row-major) > In row-major order, the last dimension is contiguous, so that the memory-offset of this element is given by: $$ n_{d}+N_{d}\cdot (n_{d-1}+N_{d-1}\cdot (n_{d-2}+N_{d-2}\cdot (\cdots +N_{2}n_{1})\cdots )))=\sum _{k=1}^{d}\left(\prod _{\ell =k+1}^{d}N_{\ell }\right)n_{k} $$ Fortran (or column-major) > In column-major order, the first dimension is contiguous, so that the memory-offset of this element is given by: $$ n_{1}+N_{1}\cdot (n_{2}+N_{2}\cdot (n_{3}+N_{3}\cdot (\cdots +N_{d-1}n_{d})\cdots )))=\sum _{k=1}^{d}\left(\prod _{\ell =1}^{k-1}N_{\ell }\right)n_{k} $$ ![Row_and_column_major_order.svg](Row_and_column_major_order.svg) [Illustration of difference between row- and column-major ordering](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Row-_and_column-major_order#/media/File:Row_and_column_major_order.svg) (by CMG Lee. CC BY-SA 4.0) ## [numpy.ndarray.flags](https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.ndarray.flags.html) ```python ndarray.flags ``` > Information about the memory layout of the array. Attributes: ||| |---|---| |C_CONTIGUOUS (C)|The data is in a single, C-style contiguous segment.| |F_CONTIGUOUS (F)|The data is in a single, Fortran-style contiguous segment.| |OWNDATA (O)|The array owns the memory it uses or borrows it from another object.| |WRITEABLE (W)| The data area can be written to. Setting this to False locks the data, making it read-only. A view (slice, etc.) inherits WRITEABLE from its base array at creation time, but a view of a writeable array may be subsequently locked while the base array remains writeable. (The opposite is not true, in that a view of a locked array may not be made writeable. However, currently, locking a base object does not lock any views that already reference it, so under that circumstance it is possible to alter the contents of a locked array via a previously created writeable view onto it.) Attempting to change a non-writeable array raises a RuntimeError exception.| |ALIGNED (A)|The data and all elements are aligned appropriately for the hardware.| |WRITEBACKIFCOPY (X)|This array is a copy of some other array. The C-API function PyArray_ResolveWritebackIfCopy must be called before deallocating to the base array will be updated with the contents of this array.| |FNC|F_CONTIGUOUS and not C_CONTIGUOUS.| |FORC|F_CONTIGUOUS or C_CONTIGUOUS (one-segment test).| |BEHAVED (B)|ALIGNED and WRITEABLE.| |CARRAY (CA)|BEHAVED and C_CONTIGUOUS.| |FARRAY (FA)|BEHAVED and F_CONTIGUOUS and not C_CONTIGUOUS.| ### 1d ```python import numpy as np a = np.zeros((1, 2)) print(a.flags) ``` Output ```python C_CONTIGUOUS : True F_CONTIGUOUS : True OWNDATA : True WRITEABLE : True ALIGNED : True WRITEBACKIFCOPY : False ``` ### 2d ```python import numpy as np a = np.zeros((2, 2)) print(a.flags) ``` Output ```python C_CONTIGUOUS : True F_CONTIGUOUS : False OWNDATA : True WRITEABLE : True ALIGNED : True WRITEBACKIFCOPY : False ``` ## C - contigousness There are situations when you need a C_CONTIGUOUS matrix. Examples are PyBind11 and numba. ```python import numpy as np a = np.arange(1, 10) print(a.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]) # -> True print(a[::1].flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]) # -> True print(a[::2].flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]) # -> False print(a[::2].copy().flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]) # -> True ``` **You may want to make a copy of B for PyBind11 and numba or...** ## [numpy.ascontiguousarray](https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.ascontiguousarray.html) ```python numpy.ascontiguousarray(a, dtype=None, *, like=None) ``` > Return a contiguous array (ndim >= 1) in memory (C order). ```python import numpy as np a = np.arange(1, 10) print(a.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]) # -> True print(a[::2].flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]) # -> False print(np.ascontiguousarray(a[::2]).flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]) # -> True ```