# TLM NOC Simulator ## Description TLM NOC Simulator ## Getting Started ### Dependencies * System C * TLM ### Installing * Run build.sh script ``` ./build.sh ``` ### Executing program * A configuration is needed to execute the program. The configurations are located inside folder config * Each configuration must have these four files: config.xml, data.xml, map.xml and net.xml * config.xml describes the simulation time, the path for data, map and net xml files and other specifications * data.xml describes all the tasks to execute * map.xml maps a task to a node in the net * net.xml describes the organization of the Processing Elements and Routers * The name of the configuration folder is passed to the program as ``` ./sim --configFolder ``` * For example, to run configuration "simple_test" ``` ./sim --configFolder simple_test ``` ## Version History * 0.1 * Initial Release ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details ## Acknowledgments * [Ratatoskr NoC simulator](https://github.com/jmjos/ratatoskr)