Adding subfolders for TutorialConfigs.scala

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root 2024-12-02 22:08:40 +01:00
commit 61bf17969e

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@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
package chipyard
import freechips.rocketchip.config.{Config}
import constellation.routing._
import constellation.topology._
import constellation.noc._
import constellation.soc.{GlobalNoCParams}
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
// This file is designed to accompany a live tutorial, with slides.
// For each of 4 phases, participants will customize and build a
// small demonstration config.
// This file is designed to be used after running chipyard/scripts/,
// which removes the SHA3 accelerator RTL, and provides participants
// the experience of integrating external RTL.
// This file was originally developed for the cancelled ASPLOS-2020
// Chipyard tutorial. While the configs here work, the corresponding
// slideware has not yet been created.
// NOTE: Configs should be read bottom-up, since they are applied bottom-up
// NOTE: The TutorialConfigs build off of the AbstractConfig defined in AbstractConfig.scala
// Users should try to understand the functionality of the AbstractConfig before proceeding
// with the TutorialConfigs below
// Tutorial Phase 1: Configure the cores, caches
class TutorialStarterConfig extends Config(
// Uncomment out one (or multiple) of the lines below, and choose
// how many cores you want.
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBigCores(1) ++ // Specify we want some number of Rocket cores
// new boom.common.WithNSmallBooms(1) ++ // Specify we want some number of BOOM cores
// Uncomment this line, and specify a size if you want to have a L2
// new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithInclusiveCache(nBanks=1, nWays=4, capacityKB=128) ++
// Use 2 banks of L2 cache
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBanks(2) ++
new chipyard.config.AbstractConfig
// Tutorial Phase 2: Integrate a TileLink or AXI4 MMIO device
class TutorialMMIOConfig extends Config(
// Attach either a TileLink or AXI4 version of GCD
// Uncomment one of the below lines
// new chipyard.example.WithGCD(useAXI4=false) ++ // Use TileLink version
// new chipyard.example.WithGCD(useAXI4=true) ++ // Use AXI4 version
// For this demonstration we assume the base system is a single-core Rocket, for fast elaboration
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBigCores(1) ++
new chipyard.config.AbstractConfig
// Tutorial Phase 3: Integrate a SHA3 RoCC accelerator
class TutorialSha3Config extends Config(
// Uncomment this line once you added SHA3 to the build.sbt, and cloned the SHA3 repo
// new sha3.WithSha3Accel ++
// For this demonstration we assume the base system is a single-core Rocket, for fast elaboration
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBigCores(1) ++
new chipyard.config.AbstractConfig
// Tutorial Phase 4: Integrate a Black-box verilog version of the SHA3 RoCC accelerator
class TutorialSha3BlackBoxConfig extends Config(
// Uncomment these lines once SHA3 is integrated
// new sha3.WithSha3BlackBox ++ // Specify we want the Black-box verilog version of Sha3 Ctrl
// new sha3.WithSha3Accel ++
// For this demonstration we assume the base system is a single-core Rocket, for fast elaboration
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBigCores(1) ++
new chipyard.config.AbstractConfig
// Tutorial Phase 5: Map a multicore heterogeneous SoC with multiple cores and memory-mapped accelerators
class TutorialNoCConfig extends Config(
// Try changing the dimensions of the Mesh topology
new constellation.soc.WithGlobalNoC(constellation.soc.GlobalNoCParams(
topology = TerminalRouter(Mesh2D(3, 4)),
channelParamGen = (a, b) => UserChannelParams(Seq.fill(12) { UserVirtualChannelParams(4) }),
routingRelation = NonblockingVirtualSubnetworksRouting(TerminalRouterRouting(
Mesh2DEscapeRouting()), 10, 1)
)) ++
// The inNodeMapping and outNodeMapping values are the physical identifiers of
// routers on the topology to map the agents to. Try changing these to any
// value within the range [0, topology.nNodes)
new constellation.soc.WithPbusNoC(constellation.protocol.TLNoCParams(
inNodeMapping = ListMap("Core" -> 7),
outNodeMapping = ListMap(
"pbus" -> 8, "uart" -> 9, "control" -> 10, "gcd" -> 11,
"writeQueue[0]" -> 0, "writeQueue[1]" -> 1, "tailChain[0]" -> 2))
), true) ++
new constellation.soc.WithSbusNoC(constellation.protocol.TLNoCParams(
inNodeMapping = ListMap(
"Core 0" -> 0, "Core 1" -> 1,
"serial-tl" -> 2),
outNodeMapping = ListMap(
"system[0]" -> 3, "system[1]" -> 4, "system[2]" -> 5, "system[3]" -> 6,
"pbus" -> 7))
), true) ++
new chipyard.example.WithGCD ++
new chipyard.harness.WithLoopbackNIC ++
new icenet.WithIceNIC ++
new fftgenerator.WithFFTGenerator(numPoints=8) ++
new chipyard.example.WithStreamingFIR ++
new chipyard.example.WithStreamingPassthrough ++
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBanks(4) ++
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBigCores(2) ++
new chipyard.config.AbstractConfig
// Tutorial Phase 6: Gemmini Config
class TutorialLeanGemminiConfig extends Config(
// Step 1: Customize gemmini - set a config option for the accelerator: use_dedicated_tl_port=false
new gemmini.DefaultGemminiConfig(gemmini.GemminiConfigs.leanConfig.copy(use_dedicated_tl_port=true )) ++
// Step 2: Specify some number of Rocket + Boom cores
// For this step, the total number of Rocket + Boom cores should <= 8
new boom.common.WithNMediumBooms(1) ++
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBigCores(3) ++
// : Some number of L2 cache banks (keep this <= 4 as well)
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBanks(4) ++
new chipyard.config.AbstractConfig
// Tutorial Phase 6: Many Core SoC on a NoC
class TutorialManyCoreNoCConfig extends Config(
new constellation.soc.WithSbusNoC(constellation.protocol.TLNoCParams(
// inNodeMappings map master agents onto the NoC
inNodeMapping = ListMap(
"Core 0 " -> 1, "Core 1 " -> 2, "Core 2 " -> 3, "Core 3 " -> 4,
"Core 4 " -> 7, "Core 5 " -> 7, "Core 6 " -> 8, "Core 7 " -> 8,
"Core 8 " -> 9, "Core 9 " -> 9, "Core 10" -> 10, "Core 11" -> 10,
"Core 12" -> 13, "Core 13" -> 13, "Core 14" -> 14, "Core 15" -> 14,
"Core 16" -> 15, "Core 17" -> 15, "Core 18" -> 16, "Core 19" -> 16,
"Core 20" -> 0, "Core 21" -> 6, "Core 22" -> 12, "Core 23" -> 18,
"Core 24" -> 5, "Core 25" -> 11, "Core 26" -> 17, "Core 27" -> 23,
"serial-tl" -> 0),
// outNodeMappings map client agents (L2 banks) onto the NoC
outNodeMapping = ListMap(
"system[0]" -> 7, "system[1]" -> 8, "system[2]" -> 9, "system[3]" -> 10,
"system[4]" -> 13, "system[5]" -> 14, "system[6]" -> 15, "system[7]" -> 16,
"pbus" -> 5)),
topology = TerminalRouter(Mesh2D(6, 4)),
channelParamGen = (a, b) => UserChannelParams(Seq.fill(8) { UserVirtualChannelParams(4) }),
routingRelation = BlockingVirtualSubnetworksRouting(TerminalRouterRouting(Mesh2DEscapeRouting()), 5, 1),
skipValidationChecks = true
)) ++
// ==========================================
// DO NOT change below this line without |
// carefully adjusting the NoC config above |
// ==========================================
// add LeanGemmini to Rocket-cores 0-3 (along the bottom edge of the topology)
new chipyard.config.WithMultiRoCC ++
new chipyard.config.WithMultiRoCCFromBuildRoCC(0, 1, 2, 3) ++
new gemmini.DefaultGemminiConfig(gemmini.GemminiConfigs.leanConfig.copy(use_dedicated_tl_port=false)) ++
// Add 8 duplicated 10-wide "Mega" SonicBoom cores along the left/right edges
new boom.common.WithCloneBoomTiles(7, 20) ++
new boom.common.WithNMegaBooms(1) ++
// Add 16 duplicated simple RocketCores the the center region
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithCloneRocketTiles(15, 4) ++
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBigCores(1) ++
// Add 4 duplicated RocketCores along the bottom edge (these will hold the LeanGemmini accelerators)
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithCloneRocketTiles(3, 0) ++
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBigCores(1) ++
// Use 8 banks of L2 cache
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBanks(8) ++
new chipyard.config.AbstractConfig
class TutorialPhase9Config extends Config(
new constellation.soc.WithSbusNoC(constellation.protocol.TLNoCParams(
// inNodeMappings map master agents onto the NoC
inNodeMapping = ListMap(
"Core 0" -> 0, // Rocket frontend + Gemmini
"Core 1" -> 1, // Rocket frontend + Gemmini
"Core 2" -> 2, // SonicBoom (no sonic Boom core was added)
"serial-tl" -> 0),
// outNodeMappings map client agents (L2 banks) onto the NoC
outNodeMapping = ListMap(
"system[0]" -> 3, "system[1]" -> 4,
"pbus" -> 5)),
topology = TerminalRouter(Mesh2D(3, 2)),
channelParamGen = (a, b) => UserChannelParams(Seq.fill(8) { UserVirtualChannelParams(4) }),
routingRelation = BlockingVirtualSubnetworksRouting(TerminalRouterRouting(Mesh2DEscapeRouting()), 5, 1),
skipValidationChecks = true
)) ++
// ==========================================
// DO NOT change below this line without |
// carefully adjusting the NoC config above |
// ==========================================
// add LeanGemmini to Rocket-core (as frontend)
new chipyard.config.WithMultiRoCC ++
new chipyard.config.WithMultiRoCCFromBuildRoCC(0,1) ++
new gemmini.DefaultGemminiConfig(gemmini.GemminiConfigs.leanConfig.copy(use_dedicated_tl_port=false)) ++
// Add 1 simple RocketCore+gemmini tile
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBigCores(1) ++
// Add 1 simple RocketCore+gemmini tile
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBigCores(1) ++
// Use 4 banks of L2 cache
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBanks(2) ++
new chipyard.config.AbstractConfig
class TutorialPhase9Config3dgemmini extends Config(
new constellation.soc.WithSbusNoC(constellation.protocol.TLNoCParams(
// inNodeMappings map master agents onto the NoC
inNodeMapping = ListMap(
"Core 0" -> 0, // Rocket frontend + Gemmini
"Core 1" -> 1, // Rocket frontend + Gemmini
"Core 2" -> 2, // Rocket frontend + Gemmini
"serial-tl" -> 0),
// outNodeMappings map client agents (L2 banks) onto the NoC
outNodeMapping = ListMap(
"system[0]" -> 3, "system[1]" -> 4, "system[2]" -> 5, "system[3]" -> 6,
"pbus" -> 7)),
topology = TerminalRouter(BidirectionalTorus2D(4, 2)),
//topology = TerminalRouter(BidirectionalTorus2D(4, 2)),
channelParamGen = (a, b) => UserChannelParams(Seq.fill(8) { UserVirtualChannelParams(4) }),
routingRelation = BlockingVirtualSubnetworksRouting(TerminalRouterRouting(Mesh2DEscapeRouting()), 5, 1),
skipValidationChecks = true
)) ++
// ==========================================
// DO NOT change below this line without |
// carefully adjusting the NoC config above |
// ==========================================
// add LeanGemmini to Rocket-core (as frontend)
new chipyard.config.WithMultiRoCC ++
new chipyard.config.WithMultiRoCCFromBuildRoCC(0,1,2) ++
new gemmini.DefaultGemminiConfig(gemmini.GemminiConfigs.leanConfig.copy(use_dedicated_tl_port=false)) ++
// Add 1 simple RocketCore+gemmini tile
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBigCores(1) ++
// Add 1 simple RocketCore+gemmini tile
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBigCores(1) ++
// Add 1 simple RocketCore+gemmini tile
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBigCores(1) ++
// Use 4 banks of L2 cache
new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNBanks(4) ++
new chipyard.config.AbstractConfig