2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
----------------------Full DMA Entity---------------------------
entity Full_DMA is
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
-- constant DATA_SIZE : integer := 7; -- Define constant for vector size for data of 8 bits
-- constant INST_SIZE : integer := 6; -- Define constant for vector size for inst of 6 bits
-- constant LENGTH : integer := 4; -- Define constant for vector size for size of Id's 5 bits
-- constant PACKET : integer := 31; -- Define constant for vector size for size of packet 32 bits
-- constant REG_SIZE : integer := 63; -- Define constant for vector size for size of Reg 64 bits
2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
generic (
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
DATA_SIZE : integer := 7; -- Define constant for vector size for data of 8 bits
INST_SIZE : integer := 6; -- Define constant for vector size for inst of 6 bits
LENGTH : integer := 4; -- Define constant for vector size for size of Id's 5 bits
PACKET : integer := 31; -- Define constant for vector size for size of packet 32 bits
REG_SIZE : integer := 63; -- Define constant for vector size for size of Reg 64 bits
SOURCE_ID_NEW : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000000"; -- Default source ID should be changed
DEST_ID_NEW : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000001" -- Default destination ID should be changed
2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
local_noc_rx : in std_logic_vector(PACKET downto 0);--- --From Noc
2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
local_vc_write_tx_noc : in std_logic; ---_vector(192-1 downto 0);--From NoC
cmd_valid : in std_logic; --From Core
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
Cmd_inst_funct : in std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0); --From Core
Cmd_inst_opcode : in std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0); --From Core
Cmd_inst_rd : in std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0); --From Core
Cmd_inst_rs1 : in std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0); --From Core
Cmd_inst_rs2 : in std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0); --From Core
2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
Cmd_inst_xd : in std_logic; --From Core
Cmd_inst_xs1 : in std_logic; --From Core
Cmd_inst_xs2 : in std_logic; --From Core
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
Cmd_rs1 : in std_logic_vector(REG_SIZE downto 0); --From Core
Cmd_rs2 : in std_logic_vector(REG_SIZE downto 0); --From Core
2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
Cmd_busy : out std_logic; --To Core
Cmd_ready : out std_logic; --To Core --always one
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
local_noc_tx : out std_logic_vector(PACKET downto 0);--- --To NoC
local_vc_write_rx_noc : out std_logic ---_vector(192-1 downto 0); --To NoC
2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
end entity;
----------------------Full DMA Behaviour------------------------
architecture Full_DMA_Arch of Full_DMA is
component Single_Port_RAM is
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
Address_bus : in std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0); --From DMA
Read_Enable : in std_logic; --From DMA
Write_Enable : in std_logic; --From DMA
Data_bus_in : in std_logic_vector(DATA_SIZE downto 0); --From Noc
Data_bus_out : out std_logic_vector(DATA_SIZE downto 0) --From Noc
2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
end component;
component Noc_Interface is
generic (
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
SOURCE_ID : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000000"; -- Default source ID should be changed
DEST_ID : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000001" -- Default destination ID should be changed
2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
Sent_valid_from_DMA : in std_logic; --From DMA
Data_bus_noc_in : in std_logic_vector(DATA_SIZE downto 0); --From RAM
tx_packet_length_noc : in std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0); --From DMA
local_noc_rx : in std_logic_vector(PACKET downto 0);--- --From Noc
local_vc_write_tx_noc: in std_logic; ---_vector(192-1 downto 0); --From NoC
rx_packet_length_noc : out std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0); --To DMA
local_noc_tx : out std_logic_vector(PACKET downto 0);--- --To NoC
local_vc_write_rx_noc: out std_logic; ---_vector(192-1 downto 0); --To NoC
Receive_valid_to_DMA : out std_logic; --To DMA
Sent_Ack_to_DMA : out std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);---------To DMA
Data_bus_noc_out : out std_logic_vector(DATA_SIZE downto 0) --To RAM
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end component;
component RoCC_Interface is
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
cmd_valid : in std_logic; --From Core
Cmd_inst_funct : in std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0); --From Core
Cmd_inst_opcode : in std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0); --From Core
Cmd_inst_rd : in std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0); --From Core
Cmd_inst_rs1 : in std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0); --From Core
Cmd_inst_rs2 : in std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0); --From Core
Cmd_inst_xd : in std_logic; --From Core
Cmd_inst_xs1 : in std_logic; --From Core
Cmd_inst_xs2 : in std_logic; --From Core
Cmd_rs1 : in std_logic_vector(REG_SIZE downto 0); --From Core
Cmd_rs2 : in std_logic_vector(REG_SIZE downto 0); --From Core
Data_trans_from_DMA : in std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0); --From DMA
Cmd_busy : out std_logic; --To Core
Cmd_ready : out std_logic; --To Core --always one
Funct_to_DMA : out std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0); --To DMA
Address_to_DMA : out std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0); --To DMA
Size_to_DMA : out std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0) --To DMA
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end component;
component DMA_Controller is
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
rx_packet_length_noc_to_DMA : in std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0); --To DMA From Noc
Receive_valid_to_DMA_from_Noc : in std_logic; --To DMA From Noc
Sent_Ack_to_DMA_from_Noc : in std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);--------To DMA From Noc
Funct_core_to_DMA : in std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0); --To DMA From Core
Address_core_to_DMA : in std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0); --To DMA From Core
Size_core_to_DMA : in std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0); --To DMA From Core
Address_bus_From_DMA : out std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0); --From DMA To RAM
Read_Enable_From_DMA : out std_logic; --From DMA To RAM
Write_Enable_From_DMA : out std_logic; --From DMA To RAM
Sent_valid_from_DMA_to_NoC : out std_logic; --From DMA To NoC
tx_packet_length_noc_From_DMA : out std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0); --From DMA To NoC
Data_trans_from_DMA_to_core : out std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0) --From DMA To Core
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end component;
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
signal Address_bus_sig : std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0);
signal Read_Enable_sig : std_logic;
signal Write_Enable_sig : std_logic;
-- signal Read_write_Enable_sig : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal Data_bus_in_sig : std_logic_vector(DATA_SIZE downto 0);
signal Data_bus_out_sig : std_logic_vector(DATA_SIZE downto 0);
2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
signal Sent_valid_from_DMA_sig : std_logic;
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
--signal Data_bus_noc_in_sig : std_logic_vector(DATA_SIZE downto 0);
signal tx_packet_length_noc_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
signal rx_packet_length_noc_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
--signal local_noc_tx_sig : std_logic_vector(PACKET downto 0);
--signal local_vc_write_rx_noc_sig : std_logic;
2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
signal Receive_valid_to_DMA_sig : std_logic;
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
signal Sent_Ack_to_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
--signal Data_bus_noc_out_sig : std_logic_vector(DATA_SIZE downto 0);
signal Data_trans_from_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
signal Funct_to_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0);
signal Address_to_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0);
signal Size_to_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
--signal rx_packet_length_noc_to_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
-- signal Receive_valid_to_DMA_from_Noc_sig : std_logic;
--signal Sent_Ack_to_DMA_from_Noc_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
--signal Funct_core_to_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0);
--signal Address_core_to_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0);
--Signal Size_core_to_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
--signal Address_bus_From_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(DATA_SIZE downto 0);
-- signal Read_write_Enable_From_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
--signal Sent_valid_from_DMA_to_NoC_sig : std_logic;
--signal tx_packet_length_noc_From_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
--signal Data_trans_from_DMA_to_core_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
-- Single_Port_RAM mapping
Single_Port_RAM_inst : Single_Port_RAM
port map(
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
Address_bus => Address_bus_sig,
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
Read_Enable => Read_Enable_sig,
Write_Enable => Write_Enable_sig,
2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
Data_bus_in => Data_bus_in_sig, -- Assuming data input comes from NoC
Data_bus_out => Data_bus_out_sig
-- Noc_Interface mapping
Noc_Interface_inst : Noc_Interface
generic map (
port map(
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
Sent_valid_from_DMA => Sent_valid_from_DMA_sig,
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
Data_bus_noc_in => Data_bus_out_sig,
2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
tx_packet_length_noc => tx_packet_length_noc_sig,
local_noc_rx => local_noc_rx, ---
local_vc_write_tx_noc=> local_vc_write_tx_noc, ---
rx_packet_length_noc => rx_packet_length_noc_sig,
local_noc_tx => local_noc_tx, ---
local_vc_write_rx_noc=> local_vc_write_rx_noc, ---
Receive_valid_to_DMA => Receive_valid_to_DMA_sig,
Sent_Ack_to_DMA => Sent_Ack_to_DMA_sig,
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
Data_bus_noc_out => Data_bus_in_sig
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-- RoCC_Interface mapping
RoCC_Interface_inst : RoCC_Interface
port map(
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
cmd_valid => cmd_valid, ---
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
Cmd_inst_funct => Cmd_inst_funct, ---
Cmd_inst_opcode => Cmd_inst_opcode, ---
Cmd_inst_rd => Cmd_inst_rd, ---
Cmd_inst_rs1 => Cmd_inst_rs1, ---
Cmd_inst_rs2 => Cmd_inst_rs2, ---
Cmd_inst_xd => Cmd_inst_xd, ---
Cmd_inst_xs1 => Cmd_inst_xs1, ---
Cmd_inst_xs2 => Cmd_inst_xs2, ---
Cmd_rs1 => Cmd_rs1, ---
Cmd_rs2 => Cmd_rs2, ---
2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
Data_trans_from_DMA => Data_trans_from_DMA_sig,
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
Cmd_busy => Cmd_busy, ---
Cmd_ready => Cmd_ready, ---
2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
Funct_to_DMA => Funct_to_DMA_sig,
Address_to_DMA => Address_to_DMA_sig,
Size_to_DMA => Size_to_DMA_sig
-- DMA_Controller mapping
DMA_Controller_inst : DMA_Controller
port map(
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
rx_packet_length_noc_to_DMA => rx_packet_length_noc_sig,
Receive_valid_to_DMA_from_Noc => Receive_valid_to_DMA_sig,
Sent_Ack_to_DMA_from_Noc => Sent_Ack_to_DMA_sig,
Funct_core_to_DMA => Funct_to_DMA_sig,
Address_core_to_DMA => Address_to_DMA_sig,
Size_core_to_DMA => Size_to_DMA_sig,
Address_bus_From_DMA => Address_bus_sig,
Read_Enable_From_DMA => Read_Enable_sig,
Write_Enable_From_DMA => Write_Enable_sig,
Sent_valid_from_DMA_to_NoC => Sent_valid_from_DMA_sig,
tx_packet_length_noc_From_DMA => tx_packet_length_noc_sig,
Data_trans_from_DMA_to_core => Data_trans_from_DMA_sig
2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
end architecture;
----mapping need to be done yet-------------
-- signal Address_bus_sig : std_logic_vector(DATA_SIZE downto 0);
-- -- signal Read_write_Enable_sig : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-- signal Data_bus_in_sig : std_logic_vector(DATA_SIZE downto 0);
-- signal Data_bus_out_sig : std_logic_vector(DATA_SIZE downto 0);
-- signal Sent_valid_from_DMA_sig : std_logic;
-- signal Data_bus_noc_in_sig : std_logic_vector(DATA_SIZE downto 0);
-- signal tx_packet_length_noc_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
-- signal rx_packet_length_noc_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
-- signal local_noc_tx_sig : std_logic_vector(PACKET downto 0);
-- signal local_vc_write_rx_noc_sig : std_logic;
-- signal Receive_valid_to_DMA_sig : std_logic;
-- signal Sent_Ack_to_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
-- signal Data_bus_noc_out_sig : std_logic_vector(DATA_SIZE downto 0);
-- signal Data_trans_from_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
-- signal Funct_to_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0);
-- signal Address_to_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0);
-- signal Size_to_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
-- signal rx_packet_length_noc_to_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
-- signal Receive_valid_to_DMA_from_Noc_sig : std_logic;
-- signal Sent_Ack_to_DMA_from_Noc_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
-- signal Funct_core_to_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0);
-- signal Address_core_to_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(INST_SIZE downto 0);
-- Signal Size_core_to_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
-- signal Address_bus_From_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(DATA_SIZE downto 0);
-- -- signal Read_write_Enable_From_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-- signal Sent_valid_from_DMA_to_NoC_sig : std_logic;
-- signal tx_packet_length_noc_From_DMA_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);
-- signal Data_trans_from_DMA_to_core_sig : std_logic_vector(LENGTH downto 0);