
61 lines
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-- Title : XY-Up routing for a 2D router at position (Xis,Yis) in a
-- 3D NOC
-- Project : modular, heterogenous 3D NoC
-- File : xy_routing.vhd
-- Author : Lennart Bamberg <>
-- Company : ITEM.ids, University of Bremen
-- Created : 2018-04-03
-- Last update: 2018-11-13
-- Platform : Linux Debian 8
-- Standard : VHDL'93/02
-- Description:
-- Copyright (c) 2018
-- Revisions :
-- Date Version Author Description
-- 2018-04-03 1.0 bamberg Created
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.math_real.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.NOC_3D_PACKAGE.all;
entity xy_routing is
Xis : natural := 1;
Yis : natural := 1);
--port_num : positive := 7;)
address : in address_inf;
enable : in std_logic;
-- in dependence of the possible routes not all bit of "routing" are used
routing : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0));
end xy_routing;
architecture rtl of xy_routing is
process(address, enable)
routing <= (others => '0');
if enable = '1' then
if (to_integer(unsigned(address.x_dest)) < Xis) then
routing(int_west) <= '1'; -- Route neg. X
elsif (to_integer(unsigned(address.x_dest)) > Xis) then
routing(int_east) <= '1'; -- Route pos. X
elsif (to_integer(unsigned(address.y_dest)) < Yis) then
routing(int_south) <= '1'; -- Route neg. Y
elsif (to_integer(unsigned(address.y_dest)) > Yis) then
routing(int_north) <= '1'; -- Route pos. Y
routing(int_local) <= '1'; -- Route local
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;