
137 lines
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-- Title : Package used to define the allowed turns in the used routing
-- algorithms
-- Project : Modular, heterogenous 3D NoC
-- File : TURNS_3D_NOC.vhd
-- Author : Lennart Bamberg <>
-- Company :
-- Created : 2018-10-24
-- Last update: 2018-11-30
-- Platform :
-- Standard : VHDL'93/02
-- Description: Package with constant boolean arrays, used to determine which
-- I/0 connections are possible in a router, for a given routing.
-- The package can be easily extended to support more routing al-
-- gorithms, which are then automatically considered for logic
-- minimization (exploits forbidden turns) in the synthesis.
-- Copyright (c) 2018
-- Revisions :
-- Date Version Author Description
-- 2018-10-24 1.0 bamberg Created
library ieee;
use work.NOC_3D_PACKAGE.all;
package TURNS_3D_NOC is
-- Type used to describe all allowed connections in 2D routers
-- First index of the array defines the "from" the second the "to"
type boolean_vector is array(natural range <>) of boolean;
type turn_table_2D is array(4 downto 0) of boolean_vector(4 downto 0);
-- Type used to describe all allowed connections in 3D routers
type turn_table_3D is array(6 downto 0) of boolean_vector(6 downto 0);
function routes_2D (x : string) return turn_table_2D;
function routes_3D (x : string) return turn_table_3D;
end package TURNS_3D_NOC;
package body TURNS_3D_NOC is
function routes_2D(x : string) return turn_table_2D is
variable y : turn_table_2D := (others => (others => false));
if x = "XY" then
-- From and to "local" always possible, except for U turns
for i in 0 to 4 loop
y(i)(int_local) := true;
end loop;
y(int_local)(4 downto 0) := (others => true);
y(int_local)(int_local) := false;
-- Path following (no turns) always possible
y(int_north)(int_south) := true; y(int_south)(int_north) := true;
y(int_east)(int_west) := true; y(int_west)(int_east) := true;
-- Routing specific remainder
y(int_west)(int_north) := true; y(int_west)(int_south) := true;
y(int_east)(int_north) := true; y(int_east)(int_south) := true;
assert false report
x & " 2D routing not implemented for crossbar & arbiter opt. Implementing full connectivity"
severity warning;
y := (others => (others => true));
y(int_local)(int_local) := false; y(int_north)(int_north) := false;
y(int_east)(int_east) := false; y(int_south)(int_south) := false;
y(int_west)(int_west) := false;
end if;
return y;
end function;
function routes_3D(x : string) return turn_table_3D is
variable y : turn_table_3D := (others => (others => false));
if (x = "XYZ") or (x = "ZXY") or (x = "DXYU") or (x = "UXYD") then
-- From and to "local" always possible, except for U-turns
for i in 0 to 6 loop
y(i)(int_local) := true;
end loop;
y(int_local)(6 downto 0) := (others => true);
y(int_local)(int_local) := false;
-- Path following (no turns) always possible
y(int_north)(int_south) := true; y(int_south)(int_north) := true;
y(int_east)(int_west) := true; y(int_west)(int_east) := true;
y(int_down)(int_up) := true; y(int_up)(int_down) := true;
-- Routing specific XY
y(int_west)(int_north) := true; y(int_west)(int_south) := true;
y(int_east)(int_north) := true; y(int_east)(int_south) := true;
if (x = "XYZ") then
-- From everywhere to UP and DOWN
for i in 0 to 6 loop
y(i)(int_up) := true;
end loop;
for i in 0 to 6 loop
y(i)(int_down) := true;
end loop;
elsif (x = "ZXY") then
-- From UP and DOWN to everywhere
y(int_up)(6 downto 0) := (others => true);
y(int_down)(6 downto 0) := (others => true);
elsif (x = "DXYU") then
-- From UP to everywhere, From Everywhere to UP
y(int_up)(6 downto 0) := (others => true);
for i in 0 to 6 loop
y(i)(int_up) := true;
end loop;
else -- UXYD
-- From DOWN to everywhere, From everywhere to DOWN
y(int_down)(6 downto 0) := (others => true);
for i in 0 to 6 loop
y(i)(int_down) := true;
end loop;
end if;
assert false report
x & " 3D routing not implemented for crossbar & arbiter opt. Implementing full connectivity"
severity warning;
y := (others => (others => true));
y(int_local)(int_local) := false; y(int_north)(int_north) := false;
y(int_east)(int_east) := false; y(int_south)(int_south) := false;
y(int_west)(int_west) := false;
end if;
-- Always exclude U-turns for Z-direction
y(int_up)(int_up) := false;
y(int_down)(int_down) := false;
return y;
end function;
end package body TURNS_3D_NOC;