99 lines
4.1 KiB
99 lines
4.1 KiB
-- Title : Input buffer when virtual channels are used
-- (for credit based flow-control)
-- Project : Modular, heterogenous 3D NoC
-- File : vc_input_buffer.vhd
-- Author : Lennart Bamberg <bamberg@office.item.uni-bremen.de>
-- Company :
-- Created : 2018-05-24
-- Last update: 2018-11-28
-- Platform :
-- Standard : VHDL'93/02
-- Description: An input buffer consists of vc_num (number of virtual channels)
-- paralell input buffers, whose depth is defined via "vc_depth".
-- The one hot encoded signal vc_write_rx determines in which VC
-- data is written (max. 1). vc_transfer determines from which VC
-- data is transfered to the next router (max. 1).
-- The LSBs of the next flit are forwarded to the the centralized
-- arbiter, as they containing the information req. to route the
-- package of the network if the flit is a head-flit. Also the
-- information which VC contains valid data is provided for the
-- centralized arbiter.
-- Copyright (c) 2018
-- Revisions :
-- Date Version Author Description
-- 2018-05-24 1.0 bamberg Created
library ieee;
use ieee.math_real.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_misc.all;
use work.NOC_3D_PACKAGE.all;
entity vc_input_buffer is
generic(vc_num : positive := 4; -- Virtual channels (VC)
vc_depth : integer_vec := (4 ,4 ,4 ,4 )); -- Buff depth of each VC
port(clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
data_rx : in flit;
vc_write_rx : in std_logic_vector(vc_num-1 downto 0); -- Write EN VC
vc_transfer : in std_logic_vector(vc_num-1 downto 0); -- Read EN VC
valid_data_vc : out std_logic_vector(vc_num-1 downto 0); --
data_transfer : out flit; --
-- Information from the header that are required for path-finding
-- and channel allocation (Destination Address & Packet-Length)
header : out header_inf_vector(vc_num-1 downto 0)
end entity vc_input_buffer;
architecture rtl of vc_input_buffer is
signal buffer_out_vector : flit_vector(vc_num-1 downto 0);
------------- Structural Part - Generate FIFOs for each VC ------------------
buffer_gen : for i in 0 to vc_num-1 generate
fifo_i : entity work.fifo generic map(buff_depth => vc_depth(vc_depth'left+i))
port map (data_in => data_rx,
write_en => vc_write_rx(i),
read_en => vc_transfer(i),
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
data_out => buffer_out_vector(i),
valid_data => valid_data_vc(i)
end generate buffer_gen;
------------- Logic Part - Calculate outputs --------------------------------
OUTPUT_MUX : if vc_num > 1 generate
process(buffer_out_vector, vc_transfer)
data_transfer <= (others => '-');
if or_reduce(vc_transfer) = '1' then
data_transfer <= buffer_out_vector(one_hot2int(vc_transfer));
end if;
end process;
end generate;
OUTPUT_PASS : if vc_num = 1 generate
data_transfer <= buffer_out_vector(0);
end generate;
HEADER_GEN : for i in 0 to vc_num-1 generate
header(i) <= get_header_inf(buffer_out_vector(i));
end generate;
end rtl;