72 lines
2.1 KiB
72 lines
2.1 KiB
-- hu_ctr
-- Control path for Update H using stream of weights
use work.pkg_sbs.all;
entity hu_ctr is
port (
clk, rstn : in bit;
cfg_hu : in bit_vector(BW_HU_CFG -1 downto 0); -- Config
ena_w : in bit; -- New weight
is_ini : in bit; -- First vector (get w and h when ena)
is_fst : in bit; -- Fist component in vector
loc_h : in bit_vector(ADDR_H_MAX-1 downto 0); -- Current location in H
ena_ho : out bit; -- Signal a valid ho value
eps : out real;
ctr_hu : out bit_vector(BW_HU_CTR-1 downto 0)); -- Control for data path
end entity hu_ctr;
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_bit.all;
architecture beh of hu_ctr is
signal ctr_sel_ini, ctr_sum_ini, ctr_update_sum, ctr_update_sum2 : bit;
signal ctr_addr_rst, ctr_addr_inc, ctr_write_hw : bit;
signal ctr_wr_hw, ctr_wr_hp : bit;
-- Number of elements in H (currently fixed)
constant MAX_LOC_H : bit_vector(ADDR_H_MAX-1 downto 0) := bit_vector(to_unsigned(8, ADDR_H_MAX));
--constant T : time := 10 ns;
begin -- architecture beh
eps <= 0.2;
ctr_hu(0) <= ctr_sel_ini ;
ctr_hu(1) <= ctr_sum_ini ;
ctr_hu(2) <= ctr_update_sum ;
ctr_hu(3) <= ctr_addr_rst ;
ctr_hu(4) <= ctr_addr_inc ;
ctr_hu(5) <= ctr_write_hw ;
ctr_hu(6) <= ctr_wr_hw ;
--ctr_hu(7) <= ctr_wr_hp ; -- ctr_wr_hp and ctr_wr_hw are the same
ctr_hu(7) <= ctr_update_sum2 ;
-- Code in first approximation
ctr_sel_ini <= is_ini;
ctr_wr_hp <= ena_w; --is_ini;
ctr_wr_hw <= ena_w;
ctr_sum_ini <= is_fst;
ctr_update_sum <= transport is_fst after 7*T ;
--ctr_update_sum2 <= transport ctr_update_sum after T;
--ctr_update_sum <= '1' when (loc_h = MAX_LOC_H) else '0';
ctr_addr_rst <= ctr_update_sum;
ctr_addr_inc <= ena_w and not ctr_addr_rst;
ena_ho <= ena_w and not is_ini;
rg: process (clk, rstn) is
if rstn = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
ctr_update_sum2 <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then -- rising clock edge
ctr_update_sum2 <= ctr_update_sum;
end if;
end process rg;
end architecture beh;