Signed-off-by: David Rotermund <54365609+davrot@users.noreply.github.com>
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# Numpy: Dealing with Matlab files
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## The goal
We want to read and write Matlab files under Python.
Questions to [David Rotermund](mailto:davrot@uni-bremen.de)
Reminder: Learning Python as Matlab user
Please read [NumPy for MATLAB users](https://numpy.org/doc/stable/user/numpy-for-matlab-users.html)
## Mat files under Python
### MATLAB < 7.3 format mat files
This is a job for [scipy.io](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/io.html#module-scipy.io)
| | |
| ------------- |-------------|
|[loadmat](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.io.loadmat.html#scipy.io.loadmat)(file_name[, mdict, appendmat])| Load MATLAB file. |
|[savemat](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.io.savemat.html#scipy.io.savemat)(file_name, mdict[, appendmat, …])| Save a dictionary of names and arrays into a MATLAB-style .mat file. |
|[whosmat](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.io.whosmat.html#scipy.io.whosmat)(file_name[, appendmat])| List variables inside a MATLAB file. |
#### Read
Under Matlab we create a test file
>> A = rand(10,100);
>> save -v7 Test_1.mat A
Under Python we look into the file for information:
import scipy.io as sio
Info = sio.whosmat("Test_1.mat")
print(Info) # --> [('A', (10, 100), 'double')]
And we can read the data:
import numpy as np
import scipy.io as sio
mat_data = sio.loadmat("Test_1.mat")
) # -> dict_keys(['__header__', '__version__', '__globals__', 'A'])
a = mat_data["A"]
print(type(a)) # --> <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
print(a.dtype) # --> float64
print(a.shape) # --> (10, 100)
#### Write
Under Python we generate a .mat file:
import numpy as np
import scipy.io as sio
myrng = np.random.default_rng()
A: np.ndarray = myrng.random((10, 100), dtype=np.float64)
B: str = "Hellp world!"
mdic = {"A": A, "ImportantMessage": B}
sio.savemat("Test_2.mat", mdic)
And read it in under Matlab:
>> load Test_2.mat
>> whos
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
A 10x100 8000 double
ImportantMessage 1x12 24 char
>> ImportantMessage
ImportantMessage =
'Hellp world!'
### MATLAB == 7.3 format mat files