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Uni-Bremen Typo3 Automatization Tools
Pip packages
pip install selenium
pip install webdriver-manager
pip install numpy
For the bib tools:
pip3 install bibtexparser
pip3 install pandas
How to use the typo3 examples:
- Change user name in username.json
- Change the page id and content id to something you can and want to work ong
Running this program produces (or updates) two databases:
- types_db.json : Containing the list of the types of publications.
- authors_db.json : Containing the list of the authors.
If you want to remove an entry from these databases, you need to delete it yourself.
An entry looks like this:
"article": [[], "article", "article"]
Beside the key, there are three components.
- An list with alternative keys. In the case we want to fuse several keys into one category.
- The German headline
- The English headline
Thus we want to change it into:
"article": [[], "Artikel", "Article"]
An entry looks like this:
"Pawelzik, K.": [],
The key is later used for generating the author name in the html lists. Again a list with alternative author names follows.
Since this entry is wrong, we fix it by:
"Pawelzik, K. R.": ["Pawelzik, K."],