2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164. all ;
use ieee.numeric_std. all ;
----------------------DMA Controller Entity---------------------------
entity DMA_Controller is
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-- constant DATA_SIZE : integer := 7; -- Define constant for vector size for data of 8 bits
-- constant ADDRESS_SIZE : integer := 6; -- Define constant for vector size for address 7 bits
-- constant ID_SIZE : integer := 4; -- Define constant for vector size for size of Id's 5 bits
generic (
DATA_SIZE : integer : = 7 ; -- Define constant for vector size for data of 8 bits
ADDRESS_SIZE : integer : = 6 ; -- Define constant for vector size for address 7 bits
ID_SIZE : integer : = 4 -- Define constant for vector size for size of Id's 5 bits
) ;
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port (
clk : in std_logic ;
rst : in std_logic ;
2024-12-09 21:09:33 +01:00
rx_packet_length_noc_to_DMA : in std_logic_vector ( ID_SIZE downto 0 ) ; --To DMA From Noc
Receive_valid_to_DMA_from_Noc : in std_logic ; --To DMA From Noc
Sent_Ack_to_DMA_from_Noc : in std_logic_vector ( ID_SIZE downto 0 ) ; --------To DMA From Noc
Funct_core_to_DMA : in std_logic_vector ( ADDRESS_SIZE downto 0 ) ; --To DMA From Core
Address_core_to_DMA : in std_logic_vector ( ADDRESS_SIZE downto 0 ) ; --To DMA From Core
Size_core_to_DMA : in std_logic_vector ( ID_SIZE downto 0 ) ; --To DMA From Core
Address_bus_From_DMA : out std_logic_vector ( ADDRESS_SIZE downto 0 ) ; --From DMA To RAM
Read_Enable_From_DMA : out std_logic ; --From DMA To RAM
Write_Enable_From_DMA : out std_logic ; --From DMA To RAM
Sent_valid_from_DMA_to_NoC : out std_logic ; --From DMA To NoC
tx_packet_length_noc_From_DMA : out std_logic_vector ( ID_SIZE downto 0 ) ; --From DMA To NoC
Data_trans_from_DMA_to_core : out std_logic_vector ( ID_SIZE downto 0 ) --From DMA To Core
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) ;
end entity ;
----------------------DMA Controller Behaviour------------------------
architecture DMA_Controller_Arch of DMA_Controller is
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Signal Count_from_NoC : std_logic_vector ( ID_SIZE downto 0 ) ;
Signal Count_to_NoC : std_logic_vector ( ID_SIZE downto 0 ) ;
Signal Address_to_RAM : std_logic_vector ( ADDRESS_SIZE downto 0 ) ;
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process ( clk , rst )
if rst = '0' then
Sent_valid_from_DMA_to_NoC < = '0' ;
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Read_Enable_From_DMA < = '0' ;
Write_Enable_From_DMA < = '0' ;
2024-12-02 21:51:14 +01:00
Address_bus_From_DMA < = ( others = > '0' ) ;
tx_packet_length_noc_From_DMA < = ( others = > '0' ) ;
Data_trans_from_DMA_to_core < = ( others = > '0' ) ;
Count_from_NoC < = ( others = > '0' ) ;
Count_to_NoC < = ( others = > '0' ) ;
Address_to_RAM < = ( others = > '0' ) ;
elsif rising_edge ( clk ) then
----------------------Writing to RAM from NOC------------------------
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if Funct_core_to_DMA = std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 15 , 7 ) ) then --- x"0f" 15 Its arbitarly choosen from RoCC_Interface
if unsigned ( Count_to_NoC ) < ( unsigned ( Size_core_to_DMA ) ) then --+10 will reproduce same valid signal comparing rx_packet_length_noc_to_DMA = Size_core_to_DMA
if Count_to_NoC = "00000" then ---count_from_Noc but not working in the wave simulation
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Address_to_RAM < = Address_core_to_DMA ;
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Count_to_NoC < = std_logic_vector ( unsigned ( Count_to_NoC ) + 1 ) ;
--Write_Enable_From_DMA <= '1'; --Write Enable
--end if;
elsif Receive_valid_to_DMA_from_Noc = '1' then
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Address_bus_From_DMA < = Address_to_RAM ;
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--report "Write_Enable_From_DMA is 1 from Line 68";
Write_Enable_From_DMA < = '1' ; --Write Enable ----<<<<Why the value is not updateded>>>>
Read_Enable_From_DMA < = '0' ; --'0'
Data_trans_from_DMA_to_core < = Count_to_NoC ; -- std_logic_vector(unsigned(Count_to_NoC) - 1)
Address_to_RAM < = std_logic_vector ( unsigned ( Address_to_RAM ) + 1 ) ;
Count_to_NoC < = std_logic_vector ( unsigned ( Count_to_NoC ) + 1 ) ;
----report "Write_Enable_From_DMA is 0 from Line 75";
Write_Enable_From_DMA < = '0' ; --Write Enable ----<<<<Why the value is not updateded>>>>
Read_Enable_From_DMA < = '0' ; --'0'
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end if ;
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----report "Write_Enable_From_DMA is 0 from Line 75";
Write_Enable_From_DMA < = '0' ; --Write Enable ----<<<<Why the value is not updateded>>>>
Read_Enable_From_DMA < = '0' ; --'0'
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end if ;
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-- else
-- Count_from_NoC <= (others => '0');
-- Read_Enable_From_DMA <= '0';
-- Write_Enable_From_DMA <= 'Z';--'0';
-- Sent_valid_from_DMA_to_NoC <= '0';
-- end if;
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----------------------Reading from RAM to NOC------------------------
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elsif Funct_core_to_DMA = std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( 127 , 7 ) ) then --- x"7f" 127 Its arbitarly choosen from RoCC_Interface
if unsigned ( Count_to_NoC ) < unsigned ( Size_core_to_DMA ) then --Sent_Ack_to_DMA_from_Noc could be used instead of the count to Noc
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if Count_to_NoC = "00000" then
Address_to_RAM < = Address_core_to_DMA ;
tx_packet_length_noc_From_DMA < = Size_core_to_DMA ; --giving the size to the header of the NoC flit
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Count_to_NoC < = std_logic_vector ( unsigned ( Count_to_NoC ) + 1 ) ;
---Sent_valid_from_DMA_to_NoC <= '1';
Address_bus_From_DMA < = Address_to_RAM ;
Write_Enable_From_DMA < = '0' ;
Read_Enable_From_DMA < = '1' ; --Read Enable
Data_trans_from_DMA_to_core < = Sent_Ack_to_DMA_from_Noc ;
Address_to_RAM < = std_logic_vector ( unsigned ( Address_to_RAM ) + 1 ) ;
Count_to_NoC < = std_logic_vector ( unsigned ( Count_to_NoC ) + 1 ) ;
Sent_valid_from_DMA_to_NoC < = '1' ;
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end if ;
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elsif unsigned ( Count_to_NoC ) < ( unsigned ( Size_core_to_DMA ) + 2 ) then
Count_to_NoC < = std_logic_vector ( unsigned ( Count_to_NoC ) + 1 ) ;
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Sent_valid_from_DMA_to_NoC < = '1' ;
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Read_Enable_From_DMA < = '0' ;
Write_Enable_From_DMA < = '0' ;
Sent_valid_from_DMA_to_NoC < = '0' ;
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end if ;
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Count_to_NoC < = ( others = > '0' ) ;
Read_Enable_From_DMA < = '0' ;
--report "Write_Enable_From_DMA is 0 from Line 111";
Write_Enable_From_DMA < = '0' ;
Sent_valid_from_DMA_to_NoC < = '0' ;
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end if ;
end if ;
end process ;
end architecture ;